Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stones office extension update

Here’s an update on the office progress. I’m moving the other desk and finishing this weekend (hopefully).
Only other thing remaining on this side is a PC, and a cheapo couch/Coffee table (will get off TradeMe – something retro/cool, and a little paint)

It’s all insulated and warm.

Once I get Sam moved, I’ll sort out the other side... That’s remaining a secret til done, it’ll look great.

One workstation goes here...
Kitchenette behind the other panel in the corner

There’s a slide-opening window for light and airflow. This person can see views out the window down the paddock

The office fridge goes under here... And a jug and Microwave

The Perspex piece above the dividers is an acoustic barrier.
The other desk will be under the other window

High ceilings. A bugger to do, but they make the room feel bigger. In summer it’ll draw the heat away.

The other desk will go under this window, looking down the paddock
(One piece of ply left on the ceiling)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Are you doing this yourself?